Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Landscape Photos

I really like the Thomas Joshua Cooper picture. It is really different from the second photo which seems to be more of a traditional landscape photo to me. I like this photo mainly because it definatley requires you to look at it for an extended period of time. And even after I continue to study it I can't completly make out what is going on in this picture. The foreground is really abstract to me, almost like it is natural, but I still can't really figure out what is going on here. But I kind of like that. I also really like the smoke that seems to be coming in through the opening in the rocks. It seems to make the light pour into the opening of what was otherwise a really dark, creepy setting. I also really like this landscape because the foreground is really in your face. What ever the fore ground is suppose to be, we are really close up to it and the rest of the setting continues into the background. I found that even with my own photograph I really like when one thing is really close, but there is still stuff to look at in the background.

This photo by Ansel Adams is very obviously appealing. It has got the trees, and the waterfall and the gorgeous setting. But honestly as far as "pretty pictures" go it is kind of generic. I mean I am sure if I was in that place at the time I wouldn't be saying that but I ended up looking at the first picture for a lot longer. It made me think and question what I was looking at. And while the waterfal behind the trees is very beautiful it doesn't go much past that. The first picture I found I wasn't even sure if it was a landscape so much, but if the two were placed side by side the frist would definatley catch my eye more.

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