Wednesday, October 10, 2007


So i need to take a roll and a half of photos and develop them before next tuesday. Not a problems if I had some inspiration. One, I am sick of nature. Trees, water, sky - I have seen it all before. I am much more of a city person. I like buildings, I like noise, but most of all I like PEOPLE. And I like taking pictures of people. But for one I don't think I can con my friends into being my models during midterms, and two it might be werid taking pictures of people I don't know, for them of course. But I need to get into Boston so I can take pictures I actually want to look at.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Grab a friend or family member and head into the city. If you know that is where you want to be then get off campus and go. If no one will go with you, go alone and see what you discover.